Pojken och Hägern-producent uttalar sig om Oscarsguldet

Pojken och Hägern vann som sagt en Oscar för Bästa Animerade Film under söndagens Oscarsgala, men varken Hayao Miyazaki eller producenten Toshio Suzuki var där för att ta emot guldgubben. Nyligen uttalade sig dock Suzuki om vinsten och nedan kan ni läsa vad som förmodligen hade varit tacktalet om han befann sig på plats:

As producer on The Boy and the Heron, I am extremely honored to receive the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Academy. I would also like to give my thanks to those who were involved in the production of this film, and to all those who worked to distribute the film worldwide.

The film began with director Hayao Miyazaki retracting his retirement statement. Following that, we spent seven years in the production of this work. It has been ten years since Hayao Miyazaki’s previous film, The Wind Rises, during which time there have been dramatic changes in the environment surrounding films. This film was truly difficult to bring to completion. I am very appreciative that the work that was created after overcoming these difficulties has been seen by so many people around the world, and that is has received this recognition. Both Hayao Miyazaki and I have aged a considerable amount. I am grateful to receive such an honor at my age, and taking this as a. Message to continue our work, I will devote myself to work harder in the future."

Pojken och Hägern förväntas vara Miyazakis svanesång, men mästerregissören ryktas jobba på ännu ett projekt för Studio Ghibli. Som det sig bör vara, men han blir inte direkt yngre. Har du sett Oscarsvinnaren? Vad tyckte du?


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