Onsdag nästa vecka (17:00) är det då äntligen dags för Infinity Ward och Raven Software att rulla ut säsong tre i Warzone och i den uppdateringen kommer vi bland annat att få återvända till den gamla Call of Duty-älsklingen Rebirth Island som är Activisions version på Alcatraz Island. Nedan hittar du en hel drös ursnygga bilder som visar upp kartan som bevisligen uppdaterats en hel del sedan vi fick besöka den i Warzone (1).
"Rebirth Island returns at the launch of Season 3! The island feels incredibly familiar; veteran players will find all the Points of Interest instantly recognizable. The structures and topography of the island remain intact, and though some of the POIs have become more weathered, the island’s latest occupying force — Konni Group — hasn’t ignored the structures that are important to its machinations, retrofitting and thoroughly modernizing them, both outside and in. While a small power plant known as Building No 06 is the only new structure on the map, expect more than a few surprises as you return to Rebirth Island! Developed by Beenox, the return of Rebirth Island represents your new destination for Resurgence Matches, as well as your home for Season 3 Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play: Resurgence developed by Treyarch and Raven Software."
"Swimming and water combat. Submerged and new shoreline access points. Biometric Scanners. Smart Displays. Weapon Trade Stations. A new Resurgence Champion’s Quest. Variable Time of Day that changes the atmospheric mood but not the visibility of the action. Infil Strikes where the Water Tower, Lighthouse, and even the Prison roof are destroyed as your infil begins. We’ll detail all of this later in the blog, but for the moment, let’s reacquaint ourselves with the 11 major POIs across Rebirth Island."
<bild>Att kalla den gamla (men i omgångar uppdaterade) IW-motorn för "kapabel" just nu, vore en ordentlig underdrift. Trots enorma kartor och 100+ spelare på samma plats, är Warzone ett av dagens snyggaste spel.</bild>